Because reasons I’ve been interested in picking up some Python. But I like the Rstudio IDE, so it sure would be nice if I could just run Python from R. Fortunately, that’s possible using the reticulate package. Let’s give it a try.
Our strategy will be to use R to do the data wrangling and then pass the data to Python to make a plot. Is this a good idea? No, probably not. But it will help to bridge the gap between the familiar (R for me) and the unfamiliar (Python for me).
In order for this to work, you’ll need to have a few things, including
- A working version of R
- required packages for plots (tidyverse, tidyquant)
- the reticulate package
- A working version of Python
- required modules for plots (matplotlib, pandas, numpy)
- rpy2 module
Now unfortunately, installation of rpy2
is a little tricky on Windows. For many python packages you can type something like python -m pip install datetime
from the cmd line and install the module (datetime
in this example), much like you can run install.packages(ggplot2)
from R. But for rpy2
this doesn’t work. Windows users could get binaries for rpy2 from an unofficial source maintained by Christoph Gohlke But the files are stored as .whl
files, so tracking through Stackoverflow I found this helpful answer on installing correctly:
Once you have that set up, you should be okay to go. I’m sure there are other things you’ll want to do to get started more seriously with Python, but this worked for me today. Which is all right considering where I was this morning:
#rstats user here, i guess i could give python a try.
— 📈 Len Kiefer 📊 (@lenkiefer) January 28, 2019
shouldn't be confusing at all, apparently I just have to relearn how to count
Get Data
We’ll keep our data simple and grab the U.S. unemployment rate via FRED as we did in this post.
Some R code for data wrangling
This code generates a simple data frame with a date variable called date
and another column with the U.S. unemployment rate called price
(tidyquant syntax).
# get data in R
## Step 1: Load Libraries ###
## Step 2: go get data ###
# Set up tickers
tickers<- c("UNRATE") # unemployment rate from BLS
# download data via FRED
df<-tq_get(tickers, # get selected symbols
get="", # use FRED
from="1954-01-01") # go from 1954 forward
Now print the head of the data with R.
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## date price
## <date> <dbl>
## 1 1954-01-01 4.9
## 2 1954-02-01 5.2
## 3 1954-03-01 5.7
## 4 1954-04-01 5.9
## 5 1954-05-01 5.9
## 6 1954-06-01 5.6
Now make R run python by using reticulate::use_python to point to Python.
use_python("path_to_python",required=TRUE) #set path_to_python to something like C:/Python/Python37/python.exe
Now we can pass the data in dataframe df
to Python using r.df
. Note that at present, you won’t be able to see the results in Rstudio (running chunks throw an error), but if you compile the document the results show up.
import numpy
## date price
## 0 1954-01-01 4.9
## 1 1954-02-01 5.2
## 2 1954-03-01 5.7
## 3 1954-04-01 5.9
## 4 1954-05-01 5.9
Plot with R
Let’s make a standard R plot
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=date,y=price))+geom_line()+
y='U.S. Unemployment Rate (%)',
x="date (monthly)",
title="An R Graph")
![\label{fig:figs}Made with R ggplot2. Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Unemployment Rate [UNRATE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, January 28, 2019.](
Figure 1: Made with R ggplot2. Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Unemployment Rate [UNRATE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, January 28, 2019.
A Python Plot
Now we can replicate the R plot with Python:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
plt.title('Not an R Graph')
plt.xlabel('date (monthly)')
plt.ylabel('U.S. Unemployment Rate (%)')
![\label{fig:figs}Made with Python matplotlib. Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Unemployment Rate [UNRATE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, January 28, 2019.](
Figure 2: Made with Python matplotlib. Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Unemployment Rate [UNRATE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, January 28, 2019.
More to learn
Where are we going? I’m not sure exactly, but I added a Python tag where we can collect visualizations and analysis we do with Python.
There are some interesting visualizations for Python, for example matplotlib gallery and seaborn gallery. Those might be fun to try out.
Right now it’s baby steps for me as I learn Python as an R user.
I found many helpful suggestions in this thread, thanks to all who responded with some useful links. Check the replies.
What's the closest Python equivalent of R for Data Science?
— 📈 Len Kiefer 📊 (@lenkiefer) January 28, 2019
Such a thing must exist.