On Twitter Claus Wilke asks:
Dear Lazyweb: Is there an accepted name for a plot showing a two-variable time series as a path in the x-y plane? #dataviz@Elijah_Meeks @albertocairo @lenkiefer @sharoz @dataandme pic.twitter.com/N8Edmf8qii
— Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke) July 21, 2018
I call them connected scatterplots, and we’ve made a few here. See for example this post.
But we can intensify things and make a plot like this:
hey @ClausWilke why stop at a 2-d connected scatterplot* when you could go to 3-d
— 📈 Len Kiefer 📊 (@lenkiefer) July 22, 2018
*or meandering plot etc pic.twitter.com/D7l8CQewZb
R code to follow.
And then get some data via FRED.
tickers <- data.frame(symbol=c("PCEPI","UNRATE","FEDFUNDS"),varname=c("pce.level","ur","fedfunds"))
df <- tidyquant::tq_get(c("PCEPI","UNRATE","FEDFUNDS"),get="economic.data", from="1959-01-01")
df <- left_join(df,tickers, by="symbol")
df %>% dplyr::select(date,price,varname) %>%
spread(varname,price) %>%
mutate(pce =100*(pce.level/lag(pce.level,12)) -100) %>%
filter(!is.na(pce)) -> dfq
To make our plot, we’ll use a custom color palette defined below (I really should make a package for this I think).
Now, make our plot. It’s going to need to be large to fit all the detail. Link to chart.
#add decade
dfq <- mutate(dfq, decade=paste0(10*floor(year(date)/10),"'s"))
g1 <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=pce,y=fedfunds,color=decade))+geom_point()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+geom_path()+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="left")
g2 <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=ur,y=pce,color=decade))+geom_point()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+geom_path()+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="none")
g3 <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=ur,y=fedfunds,color=decade))+geom_point()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+geom_path()+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="none")
g1ts <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=date,y=fedfunds,color=decade))+geom_line()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="none")
g2ts <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=date,y=pce,color=decade))+geom_line()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="none")
g3ts <- ggplot(data=dfq, aes(x=date,y=ur,color=decade))+geom_line()+ theme_ridges(font_family="Roboto")+scale_color_mycol("mixed6")+theme(legend.position="none")
g.ts <- plot_grid(g1ts,g2ts,
g<- plot_grid(g1,g3,g.ts,g2,ncol=2)
plot_grid( g,ggplot(data=NULL)+
labs(title=" @lenkiefer Notes: pce= 12-month percent change in PCE price index, ur= unemployment rate, \n fedfunds= effective federal funds rate\n retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS, July 21, 2018")+
Code for color scale.
# Function for colors ----
## Make Color Scale ---- ##
my_colors <- c(
"green" = rgb(103,180,75, maxColorValue = 256),
"green2" = rgb(147,198,44, maxColorValue = 256),
"lightblue" = rgb(9, 177,240, maxColorValue = 256),
"lightblue2" = rgb(173,216,230, maxColorValue = 256),
'blue' = "#00aedb",
'red' = "#d11141",
'orange' = "#f37735",
'yellow' = "#ffc425",
'gold' = "#FFD700",
'light grey' = "#cccccc",
'purple' = "#551A8B",
'dark grey' = "#8c8c8c")
my_cols <- function(...) {
cols <- c(...)
if (is.null(cols))
return (my_colors)
my_palettes <- list(
`main` = my_cols("blue", "green", "yellow"),
`cool` = my_cols("blue", "green"),
`hot` = my_cols("yellow", "orange", "red"),
`mixed` = my_cols("lightblue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red"),
`mixed2` = my_cols("lightblue2","lightblue", "green", "green2","yellow","gold", "orange", "red"),
`mixed3` = my_cols("lightblue2","lightblue", "green", "yellow","gold", "orange", "red"),
`mixed4` = my_cols("lightblue2","lightblue", "green", "green2","yellow","gold", "orange", "red","purple"),
`mixed5` = my_cols("lightblue","green", "green2","yellow","gold", "orange", "red","purple","blue"),
`mixed6` = my_cols("green", "gold", "orange", "red","purple","blue"),
`grey` = my_cols("light grey", "dark grey")
my_pal <- function(palette = "main", reverse = FALSE, ...) {
pal <- my_palettes[[palette]]
if (reverse) pal <- rev(pal)
colorRampPalette(pal, ...)
scale_color_mycol <- function(palette = "main", discrete = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, ...) {
pal <- my_pal(palette = palette, reverse = reverse)
if (discrete) {
discrete_scale("colour", paste0("my_", palette), palette = pal, ...)
} else {
scale_color_gradientn(colours = pal(256), ...)
scale_fill_mycol <- function(palette = "main", discrete = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, ...) {
pal <- my_pal(palette = palette, reverse = reverse)
if (discrete) {
discrete_scale("fill", paste0("my_", palette), palette = pal, ...)
} else {
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = pal(256), ...)