
title: "Sample E-Poster"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    storyboard: true
    theme: default
    source_code: embed

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
About Len Kiefer{.sidebar}
### About
Hi, I'm Len Kiefer and I help people understand what's going on in the economy, housing and mortgage markets.  I'm an economist working in the Economic and Housing Research Group at Freddie Mac.  

Freddie Mac makes homeownership and rental housing more accessible and affordable by purchasing mortgage loans from lenders so they in turn can provide more loans to qualified borrowers. It takes a lot of different people to make our mission successful - from economists (like me), underwriters and mortgage specialists -- to data scientists, quantitative analysts, and IT professionals.  

I use R almost every day to help explore and analyze economic and housing market data, model trends, and communicate.  Here I share some of the ways I've used R to help me.

You can find out more by connecting with me on Twitter @lenkiefer or checking out my blog http://lenkiefer.com/.




# a list of images, can be on computer, just include path
mylist <- c(

slickR(mylist, slickOpts=list(autoplay=TRUE, autoplaySpeed= 20000,adaptiveHeight=TRUE),height=850,width=1450,slideId="num5")
