A (Tidyquant)um of solace


We’ll try something different with how posts are organized. In the past I have generally mixed data wrangling, R code and graphs all in one post. Now I’m going to break it up. Posts like yesterday will just show some data and discuss it. Then, if the data wrangling or code is complicated enough I’ll follow up with another post with details.

You’ll be able to find all my posts on data wrangling, under the data wrangling tag and R code under the R tag. If you are interested in economic trends or housing, just search for the topic on my topics page. Sometimes, especially for the older posts, things will be mixed up. But I’ll try to keep it better organized going forward.

A (Tidyquant)um of solace

In yesterday’s post we reviewed some trends in housing vacancies. In this post I want to write about the data wrangling for that post. Turns out some cool tools make this a bit shorter than it was originally going to be. That’s a good thing. Let me tell you about it.

Yesterday we were looking at U.S. housing inventory using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS). You can get the HVS data from the Census webpage, but it’s kind of a mess.

It sure is nice when there’s a cool new tool that helps you get the job done.

Turns out the tidyquant package was super-helpful here. Description of the package straight from CRAN:

Bringing financial analysis to the ‘tidyverse’. The ‘tidyquant’ package provides a convenient wrapper to various ‘xts’, ‘zoo’, ‘quantmod’, ‘TTR’ and ‘PerformanceAnalytics’ package functions and returns the objects in the tidy ‘tibble’ format. The main advantage is being able to use quantitative functions with the ‘tidyverse’ functions including ‘purrr’, ‘dplyr’, ‘tidyr’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘lubridate’, etc. See the ‘tidyquant’ website for more information, documentation and examples.

Well I like tidy data and I like several of the package functions listed, so this sounded like a winner to me. Indeed it was, but let’s back up a second.

Some very untidy data

If you just go to the Census HVS main page you can find a list of historical tables that are stored in .xlsx spreadsheets.

We were interested in several of those tables yesterday, but the main one was Table 8: Table 8. Quarterly Estimates of the Housing Inventory: 1965 to Present .xlsx. If you open that spreadsheet up you’d see something like this:

This is set up just like spreadsheets tend to be. It’s got merged cells, data skips rows and all the usual things that make our lives more challenging.

FRED to the rescue

Fortunately, the HVS data is available via the Saint Louis Federal Reserve’s FRED database. And if you followed my post from back in April you know what we can do if we combine FRED with the quantmod package.

In the example from April we only grabbed a couple of series. But what if we want a bunch of data? We could of course, copy and paste, or loop, or even better use a vector maybe purrr::map. But wouldn’t it be nice if there was some tool to easily tidy a bunch of data?

Yes, and there totally is such a tool. The tidyquant package does exactly what we need.

Using tidyquant

After we install the tidyquant package install.packages("tidyquant") we are almost ready to go. The next thing we’ll need is a list of the FRED mnemonics for the variables of interest.

After loading the libraries we have 3 steps:

  1. Prepare for data
  2. Pull data
  3. Organize data

Prepare for data

In the first step, we create a variable tickers that stores a list of FRED mnemonics for the variables we want. Then we prepare a list of variable names. Finally we create a lookup table matching mnemonics with variable names.

## Step 0: Load Libraries ##

## Step 1: Prepare for data  ##

# Get HVS data
# First, list the Mnemonics from FRED
tickers <- c('ETOTALUSQ176N',    # All housing units
             'EVACANTUSQ176N',   # Vacant
             'EYRVACUSQ176N',    # Year-round vacant
             'ERENTUSQ176N',     # Vacant for rent
             'ESALEUSQ176N',     # Vacant for sale
             'ERNTSLDUSQ176N',   # Vacant rented or sold
             'EOFFMARUSQ176N',   # Vacant held off market
             'EOCCUSEUSQ176N',   # Vacant occasional use
             'EUREUSQ176N',      # Vacant usual residence elsewhere
             'EOTHUSQ176N',      # Vacant other
             'ESEASONUSQ176N',   # Vacant seasonal
             'EOCCUSQ176N',      # Occupied
             'EOWNOCCUSQ176N',   # Owner occupied
             'ERNTOCCUSQ176N',   # Renter occupied
             'RRVRUSQ156N',      # Rental vacancy rate
             'RHVRUSQ156N'       # Homeowner vacancy rate

# Next, list human readable variable names
myvars <- c('All housing units',
            'Year-round vacant',
            'Vacant for rent',
            'Vacant for sale',
            'Vacant rented or sold',
            'Vacant held off market',
            'Vacant occasional use',
            'Vacant usual residence elsewhere',
            'Vacant other',
            'Vacant seasonal',
            'Owner occupied',
            'Renter occupied',
            'Rental vacancy rate',
            'Homeowner vacancy rate'

# Create a lookup dataset
symbol var
ETOTALUSQ176N All housing units
EYRVACUSQ176N Year-round vacant
ERENTUSQ176N Vacant for rent
ESALEUSQ176N Vacant for sale
ERNTSLDUSQ176N Vacant rented or sold
EOFFMARUSQ176N Vacant held off market
EOCCUSEUSQ176N Vacant occasional use
EUREUSQ176N Vacant usual residence elsewhere
EOTHUSQ176N Vacant other
ESEASONUSQ176N Vacant seasonal
EOCCUSQ176N Occupied
EOWNOCCUSQ176N Owner occupied
ERNTOCCUSQ176N Renter occupied
RRVRUSQ156N Rental vacancy rate
RHVRUSQ156N Homeowner vacancy rate

Pull data

This is super simple thanks to tidyquant. We simple have to feed the tq_get() function our list of mnemonics and tell it to read from FRED. We do this by setting get='economic data' in the function call.

## Step 2: Pull data  ##

tickers %>% tq_get(get="economic.data", 
                   from="2001-04-01"   # we start from April 2001 due to break in HVS
                   ) -> df
# Take a look:
symbol date price
ETOTALUSQ176N 2001-04-01 117786
ETOTALUSQ176N 2001-07-01 118216
ETOTALUSQ176N 2001-10-01 118635
ETOTALUSQ176N 2002-01-01 119061
ETOTALUSQ176N 2002-04-01 119483
ETOTALUSQ176N 2002-07-01 119909


Organize the data

Finally, we do a little bit of additional processing. Because tidyquant focuses on financial data, the default variable name is price. We’ll change the name to a more generic one value and create a variable called share that is the ratio of each variable to total housing units.

## Step 3: Organize data  ##

df<-merge(df,mylookup,by="symbol") %>% rename(value=price)
df %>% group_by(date) %>% 
  # create a share variable that is the ratio of units to All housing units
  mutate(share=value/value[var=="All housing units"])  %>% 
  ungroup() %>% arrange(date,-value) -> df
symbol date value var share
ETOTALUSQ176N 2017-04-01 136456.0 All housing units 1.0000000
EOCCUSQ176N 2017-04-01 118899.0 Occupied 0.8713358
EOWNOCCUSQ176N 2017-04-01 75716.0 Owner occupied 0.5548748
ERNTOCCUSQ176N 2017-04-01 43183.0 Renter occupied 0.3164610
EVACANTUSQ176N 2017-04-01 17557.0 Vacant 0.1286642
EYRVACUSQ176N 2017-04-01 13383.0 Year-round vacant 0.0980756
EOFFMARUSQ176N 2017-04-01 7450.0 Vacant held off market 0.0545964
ESEASONUSQ176N 2017-04-01 4175.0 Vacant seasonal 0.0305959
EOTHUSQ176N 2017-04-01 3847.0 Vacant other 0.0281922
ERENTUSQ176N 2017-04-01 3470.0 Vacant for rent 0.0254294
EOCCUSEUSQ176N 2017-04-01 2214.0 Vacant occasional use 0.0162250
EUREUSQ176N 2017-04-01 1388.0 Vacant usual residence elsewhere 0.0101718
ERNTSLDUSQ176N 2017-04-01 1262.0 Vacant rented or sold 0.0092484
ESALEUSQ176N 2017-04-01 1201.0 Vacant for sale 0.0088014
RRVRUSQ156N 2017-04-01 7.3 Rental vacancy rate 0.0000535
RHVRUSQ156N 2017-04-01 1.5 Homeowner vacancy rate 0.0000110

Now that we have our variables it’s easy to make plots or proceed with other analysis. Below, I’m going to share the code I used for my small multiple plots.

Recently, I’ve liked to plot small multiples of a time series. But I also like to include all the time series on each plot, with the other series as a faint gray line. I think this kind of graph helps make comparisons easier, particularly if a panel plot goes over several rows/columns.

Here’s how I made it:

# Make a caption:
mycaption<- "@lenkiefer Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Housing Inventory Estimate, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/EOFFMARUSQ176N, September 18, 2017."
# Wrap caption 90 characters:
mycaption <- paste0(strwrap(mycaption, 90), sep="", collapse="\n")

# Make plot
         # We're only going to plot 3 series
         filter(df,var %in% c('Vacant for rent',
                              "Vacant rented or sold",
                              'Vacant for sale',
                              'Vacant held off market')),
  # Plot the gray lines
  geom_path(data=filter(df,var %in% c('Vacant for rent',
                                      "Vacant rented or sold",
                                      'Vacant for sale',
                                      'Vacant held off market')) %>%
  #overwrite the var variable with NULL so each line shows up on each panel.
  inherit.aes=F,color="darkgray",  # tell this plot to ignore the aes statement
  alpha=0.5,                       # make the lines faint
  geom_line(size=1.05,color="royalblue")+ # draw the real plot
#  guides(color=F)+                        # ditch 
        strip.text=element_text(color="royalblue") )+
  labs(x="",y="",title="U.S. Housing Inventory: Year-round vacant units as share of total housing stock", caption=mycaption)

Data wrangling got you down? Take solace in great new tools.

Sometimes data wrangling can be a real bummer. But folks are constantly making new tools that make it easier. Tidyquant is one such tool. We only scratched the surface of what it can do, but it has already made our live a little easier and more tidy. How could it work for you?
