IN THIS POST I WANT TO CREATE some data visualizations with R using the recently released Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data.
For this post I’m going to return to the 2015 HMDA that you can get from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) webpage and I discussed earlier.
Check out my prior post for more discussion of how we build these data visualizations.
R code for graphs posted below
Mortgage loan sizes in California
First, we’ll update my graph from the earlier post to show the distribution of loan sizes in California in 2015.
Many loans in California are over $1 million due to high home values, particularly on the coast. The graph below looks at the share of loans with a loan amount greater than $1 million.
We can contrast the high loan balances in California with the lower loans sizes typical in Texas. Less than 1% of the mortgage loans originated in Texas in 2015 were with loan amounts over $1 million.
R code for graphs
{% highlight r #load libraries library(‘ggbeeswarm’) library(viridis) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(scales) library(ggthemes) library(tweenr) library(purrr) library(animation) library(acs) library(dplyr) library(reshape2) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(ggalt) library(scales) library(rgeos) library(maptools) library(albersusa) library(broom) library(dplyr) library(zoo)
function for combining graphs see:
mydata <- fread(“data/hmda_lar.csv”) #load data
#can get from:!/as_of_year=2015&action_taken=1§ion=filters
mydata<-mydata[,list(state_name,state_abbr,county_name,loan_amount_000s,loan_purpose_name,loan_type_name, agency_abbr,respondent_id,population,property_type_name, applicant_income_000s,lien_status_name,msamd_name)]
#only keep loans on 1-4 family properties mydata<-mydata[property_type_name==“One-to-four family dwelling (other than manufactured housing)”,]
#create merged state + county variable mydata<-mydata[,,":",county_name)]
#get fips lookup: from census
fips.look<-fread(“", col.names=c(“state_abbr”,“st.fips”,“county.fips”,“county_name”,“CLASSFP”),head=F)
fips.look<-fips.look[,fips := str_c(str_pad(st.fips, 2, “left”, “0”),str_pad(county.fips, 3, “left”, “0”))] #create merged state + county variable fips.look<-fips.look[,,":",county_name)] #get rid of extra columns for merge fips.look2<-fips.look[,list(fips,]
#merge fips numbers back onto data mydata<-merge(mydata,fips.look2,by=“”)
#add state code, will be useful for labeling mydata<-mydata[,st.fips:=substr(fips,1,2)] mydata<-mydata[,county.fips:=substr(fips,3,5)]
loan amounts read as character variable, scaled in $1000s, create upb variable in $s and numeric
Create a summary file that has total UPB (upb), median loan amount (, and count of loans (count)
county.sum<-mydata[,list(upb=sum(upb),,count=.N), by=list(fips,state_abbr,state_name,county_name,msamd_name)]
Let’s load some maps:
states<-usa_composite() #create a state map thing smap<-fortify(states,region=“fips_state”) smap.all<-smap #we’re going to subset smap later, so copy full map
counties <- counties_composite() #create a county map thing
#add on summary stats by county using FIPS code
counties@data <- left_join(counties@data, county.sum, by = “fips”)
cmap <- fortify(counties_composite(), region=“fips”)
#create state and county FIPS codes
cmap.all<-cmap #we’re going to subset cmap later, so copy full map
First step is to get a list of states (we’ll exclude FIPS code 72: Puerto Rico)
st.list<-unique(mydata[st.fips !=“72”,]$st.fips)
The next step is to make a function that generates the composite plot based on a state FIPS number:
c.list<-unique(mydata[st.fips ==st.list[i]]$fips) # all counties within selected state [i] smap<-subset(smap.all, id %in% st.list[i]) # subset state map cmap<-subset(cmap.all, fips %in% c.list) # subset county map
#state label st.label<-unique(fips.look[st.fips==as.numeric(st.list[i])]$state_abbr)
graph 1: map (as above, but only including subset)
g1<- ggplot() + geom_map(data = cmap, map = cmap, aes(x = long, y = lat, map_id = id), color = “#2b2b2b”, size = 0.05, fill = NA) + geom_map(data = counties@data, map = cmap, aes(fill =log(, map_id = fips), color = NA) + geom_map(data = smap, map = smap, aes(x = long, y = lat, map_id = id), color = “black”, size = 1.05, fill = NA) + theme_map( base_size = 12) + theme(plot.title=element_text( size = 16, margin=margin(b=10))) + theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(size = 14, margin=margin(b=-20))) + theme(plot.caption=element_text(size = 9, margin=margin(t=-15),hjust=0)) + coord_proj(us_laea_proj) + labs(y=“Loan Amount, $",x=“Loan Purpose”, title=paste(“Median loan amount by county in”, unique(fips.look[st.fips==as.numeric(st.list[i])]$state_abbr)))+ scale_fill_viridis(name=“Median Loan Amount\n$, log scale\n”, discrete=F,option=“D”,end=0.95,direction=-1,limits=c(log(10000),log(1.4e6)), breaks=c(log(10000),log(100000),log(1e6)), labels=c("$10,000”,"$100,000”,"$1,000,000") )+ theme(legend.position = “right”)
#plot data:
Prepare data: select only data in the state (derived from c.list)
pdata<-county.sum[fips %in% c.list]
pdata2<-mydata[fips %in% c.list,.SD[sample(.N,min(.N,1000))],by = msamd_name ] #subsample metro data
See note: sample by groups
pdata2[msamd_name=="",msamd_name:=“Non-metro”] #rename missing metros to “Non-Metro”
pdata2[,.N,by=msamd_name] # Can run this to check how many obs we have per metro
pdata3<-mydata[fips %in% c.list][sample(.N,1000)] #subsample state data
graph 2: upb distribution for entire state
g2<- ggplot(data=pdata2,aes(y="",x=upb,color=log(upb)))+ geom_quasirandom(alpha=0.5,size=0.35)+ theme_minimal()+ scale_color_viridis(name=“Loan Amount\n$,log scale\n”,discrete=F,option=“D”,end=0.95,direction=-1, limits=c(log(10000),log(1.4e6)), breaks=c(log(10000),log(100000),log(1e6)), labels=c("$10k","$100k","$1,000k") ) + scale_x_log10(limits=c(10000,1.4e6),breaks=c(10000,100000,1000000), labels=c("$10k","$100k","$1,000k") )+ theme(plot.title=element_text(size=14))+ theme(plot.caption=element_text(hjust=0,vjust=1,margin=margin(t=10)))+ theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25),“cm”))+ theme(legend.position = “none”)+ labs(y="",x=“Loan Amount ($, log scale)”, caption="\n@lenkiefer Source: CFPB, FFIEC, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data\nIncludes all home purchase, home improvement, and refinance loans for 1-4 family dwellings originated in 2015.", title=paste(“Loan size distribution by Metro in”, unique(fips.look[st.fips==as.numeric(st.list[i])]$state_abbr)))+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=6))+ facet_wrap(~msamd_name)+theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 6))
graph 3: upb distribution by county (using a subsample of 1000 obs)
g3<- ggplot(data=pdata3,aes(y="",x=upb,color=log(upb)))+geom_quasirandom(alpha=0.5,size=0.75)+ theme_minimal()+ scale_color_viridis(name=“Loan Amount\n$,log scale\n”,discrete=F,option=“D”,end=0.95,direction=-1, limits=c(log(10000),log(1.4e6)), breaks=c(log(10000),log(100000),log(1e6)), labels=c("$10k","$100k","$1,000k") ) + scale_x_log10(limits=c(10000,1.4e6),breaks=c(10000,100000,1000000), labels=c("$10k","$100k","$1,000k") )+ theme(plot.title=element_text(size=14))+theme(plot.caption=element_text(hjust=0,vjust=1,margin=margin(t=10)))+ theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25),“cm”))+ theme(legend.position = “none”)+ labs(y="",x=“Loan Amount ($, log scale)”, title=paste(“Mortgage loan size distribution in”, unique(fips.look[st.fips==as.numeric(st.list[i])]$state_abbr)))+ facet_wrap(~state_name)
m<-multiplot(g1,g2,g3,layout=matrix(c(1,3,2,2,2,2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE))
I’ve source the multiplot function above, and you can find it at:
Try it out for California:
compute the number of loans with loan amount greater than $1 Million
mydata[,upb.gt1m:=ifelse(upb>1000000,1,0)] ca.sums<-mydata[state_abbr==“CA”,list(.N,gt1m=sum(upb.gt1m)),by=msamd_name]
make bar chart:
ggplot(data=ca.sums,aes(y=gt1m/N,x=reorder(msamd_name,gt1m/N)))+ theme_minimal()+theme(legend.position=“none”)+ geom_bar(stat=“identity”,aes(fill=gt1m/N))+ theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=7))+ scale_y_continuous(label=percent)+theme(plot.caption=element_text(hjust=0))+ scale_fill_viridis(direction=-1,end=0.95)+coord_flip()+ labs(y=“Share of loans”,x="", title=“Share of mortgage loans with loan amount greater than $1 Million”, subtitle=“Home purchase, home improvement and refinance loans on 1-4 family dwellings”, caption="@lenkiefer Source: CFPB, FFIEC, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data\nIncludes all home purchase, home improvement, and refinance loans for\n1-4 family dwellings originated in 2015.")
Try out composite plot for Texas:
myplot(48) {% endhighlight